How to feel comfortable and prepare for a good photo-shoot

                    People who want to do a photo-shoot with me sometimes tell me they’re terrible in front of the camera; like a deer in the headlights. They say they’re stiff, nervous and feel non-photogenic. That’s understandable. Photo-shoots can be intimidating. You’re fine posing with you friends on Saturday night out side the bar but in the studio it’s different. You’re in this foreign place, standing on a seamless roll of paper, maybe wearing some type of revealing costume you don’t normally wear with a bunch of bright lights pointing at you. But I say fear not! Here are some tips on how to a have a fun, comfortable and memorable photo-shoot.

Lana Milk 'n' Honey looking fierce 
    Some of these things I’ll talk about here can be for all types of photo-shoots. Obviously some shoots are more intricate than others. A pin-up shoot has a lot of elements to think about; lighting, costumes, sets, and types of poses where as a headshot session is rather simple when you compare the two. But both require to the subject to be relaxed. You don’t want business headshot photos that look like you’ve just seen a ghost or that show you with a maniacal smile. Also these tips are for anybody no matter how you feel in front of the camera.


    The first thing to do is to figure out what you want and be prepared as much as you can. For me, I like to meet with a client first. This way I can find out what they’re looking for, or if they’re not sure, we can bounce ideas off each other such as lighting styles, etc. That may not always be possible of course with every photographer but I always try to do this. One reason I think it’s very important is that it helps break the ice. I think it helps the comfortable factor if client and photographer meet before hand at a coffee shop or something similar, rather than meeting for the first time the day of the shoot. Also it’s a chance to see if you feel comfortable with the photographer. If meeting is not possible you should certainly exchange ideas etc., via phone and email.


    Do you need some inspiration? You may not have a specific idea of what you want other than you’d just like some photos. I suggest collecting images from the web. You can open a Pinterest account and collect the things that speak to you. For example maybe you’d like to do a classic pin-up shoot. You can look at an artist like Gil Elvgren, the premier pin-up illustrator of the last century and pick out some of your favorite poses. Robert McGuinnis and Jesus Helguera are some of my favorite illustrators of the last century. You can also bring magazines, books or anything else that you like to the photographer’s attention. I once had a client that brought some old record albums.

The Big Day 

    Okay it’s the day of the photo-shoot, the photographer and client are all on the same page as far as what you’re going to shoot. So how do you get relaxed in front the camera? Here are some things that can be very helpful.

Bring a Friend

    Having your friend, significant other or family member come with you to give you support can be very beneficial. There’s nothing like a familiar face to look to while you’re scantily clad on the chaise lounge in front of photographers and make-up artists you’ve never met before. If a photographer ever tries to discourage you from bringing someone, that’s a red flag and you should definitely choose another photographer. Of course who ever accompanies you, if anybody, should not interfere with the process.


     Music is a great way to let loose. Bring your favorite mixes on your I-pod or mp3 player. Don’t you feel happiest when your favorite tunes are playing? If you’re looking for a particular mood, music can help bring that out. I remember a shoot once were I wasn’t getting the fierceness that I was looking for from the client. I put on some music and this grindy, dirty, rocking White Stripes song came on. The fierceness began to poor out of her.


    Bring treats for yourself like candy, cookies or your favorite snack. For me, I love chocolate, lots of chocolate and that always makes me happy. A glass of wine or a mimosa can also help relax you. I don’t think any photographer would mind you having a few to relax. Of course I’m not talking about getting sloshed here. Obviously it should go without saying that if you’ve had too much to drink(or smoke) you’d be wasting your time and money.

Enjoy The Process

    Of course you’re hiring a photographer for the end process; to get you the photos that you want. But how often are you in front of the camera like this? Why not enjoy the process. Enjoy your transformation to a pin-up queen or king. There are many photographers out there so don’t be afraid to ask questions about their process. If you have a friend who has worked with a photographer that you're thinking of working with, ask them questions about what it was like working with that photographer. Basically make sure the photographer is legitimate. So there you have a few tips to help you feel relaxed and comfortable and get the best out of the photo-shoot.
Check out POC Photo Company to find about photo-shoots if that is your desire.

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