How to feel comfortable and prepare for a good photo-shoot

                    People who want to do a photo-shoot with me sometimes tell me they’re terrible in front of the camera; like a deer in the headlights. They say they’re stiff, nervous and feel non-photogenic. That’s understandable. Photo-shoots can be intimidating. You’re fine posing with you friends on Saturday night out side the bar but in the studio it’s different. You’re in this foreign place, standing on a seamless roll of paper, maybe wearing some type of revealing costume you don’t normally wear with a bunch of bright lights pointing at you. But I say fear not! Here are some tips on how to a have a fun, comfortable and memorable photo-shoot.

Lana Milk 'n' Honey looking fierce 

10 years in Burlesque

     Ten years ago I entered the wonderful world burlesque. The setting was the gritty old Jewel Box Theater inside the Rendezvous Cafe in the city of Seattle. The show was a recital of recent graduates of Miss Indigo Blue's Academy of Burlesque, which routinely offered a six-week course in the art of the tease. After developing a persona, learning the craft, and picking a burlesque name, students graduate in the form of a recital in front of an audience. One of the graduates that night was my friend Joy who went by the name Ruby Caliente. Ruby had asked me to take photos of her act. It turned out to be one of the most pivotal moments of my life and would lead me to many incredible experiences as a burlesque fan, photographer, and performer.
Me in 2003 at which point I didn't know nuthin' about no burlesque
(photo by Carla Loo)

Welcome to the New & Improved POC Photo Company Page!

I’ve been meaning to update this site for several years but I always put it on the back burner, other things always came first. After meeting Nichole Nadkarni of the Creative Niche Collective last year, she helped push me not only in getting updated and running but she has also helped me on the business side of POC Photo Company. You should go and check her out on Facebook or at

    For those who don’t know me I’ve been taking photos for the past 10 years as POC Photo Company(formerly POC Photo) here in Seattle, mostly in the burlesque world. Live burlesque photography is a major passion of mine. Through this wonderful art I got involved in studio photography about 8 years ago, mostly in the pin-up style, both vintage and modern.

    I’ve wanted a website that was simple, easy to navigate, and didn’t have a lot of clutter. Most of all I’ve wanted to let people know of the different photography services I offer (you should check out the new Photography Services pages)! I’ve also wanted a nice sample gallery of my different photos over the years which includes live burlesque, my studio work as well as non burlesque photos. Starting now there is the POC Photo Company blog, which is where you are now. Here I will write about photography, burlesque or maybe even pop tarts as well as any adventures I might go on throughout this crazy world. You can check back at POC Photo Company for photography specials I’ll be offering as well as the location of my soon to be new studio space.

    I’d like to know what you think of the new, so feel free to drop a comment! Thank you for your support and and engagement as POC Photo Company looks forward to the next 10 years!

Oh! Sweet Nuthin’

Den Haag      I’m in The Hague or Den Haag as they call it here.  I’m 6 weeks into my adventure and will be in Den Haag for 7 days. Part of ...